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Paul Galloro and Catherine Stilo

Thrivers! We are back for a new season of The Living Spirit-fully! Podcast: Come Alive! Edition. This season we look to the Earth and Sky for inspiration and explore the many ways we can harmonize with natural rhythms and cycles to live a joyful life.


From ancient spiritual teachings to quantum physics and more, this season is shaping up to be a wild ride. What else would you expect from a “Sunbeam Dancing Through Life” and a “Fellow Spark of Light On This Spin Around The Sun”?

Remember, we are meant to thrive ... how do you Come Alive!?

Paul Galloro and Catherine Stilo

The power to bring about change on a grand scale lies within each of us. By shifting our inner world, we change our outer world. A small step by each one of us moves the needle on a Universal level.

Join us as we explore the 12 permaculture principles as accessible ways to living a joyful life.


Through stories, discussion and a little “OM-work”, we share our passion for wellness and Regenerative Living.



Mulmur, Ontario


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