Thrivers! We are back for a new season of The Living Spirit-fully! Podcast: Come Alive! Edition. This season we look to the Earth and Sky for inspiration and explore the many ways we can harmonize with natural rhythms and cycles to live a joyful life.
From ancient spiritual teachings to quantum physics and more, this season is shaping up to be a wild ride. What else would you expect from a “Sunbeam Dancing Through Life” and a “Fellow Spark of Light On This Spin Around The Sun”?
Remember, we are meant to thrive ... how do you Come Alive!?
The power to bring about change on a grand scale lies within each of us. By shifting our inner world, we change our outer world. A small step by each one of us moves the needle on a Universal level.
Join us as we explore the 12 permaculture principles as accessible ways to living a joyful life.
Through stories, discussion and a little “OM-work”, we share our passion for wellness and Regenerative Living.